Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

How about we start again, with this (not so) Great Reset by putting the needs of the world’s children and those yet to be born first, ahead of the warped desires of a thousand or so old billionaires who should know better…

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Well, it's past midnight as Im reading this article. And all i can say is "What the actual fk?!?" And who do these people think they are making health policy without consulting THE PEOPLE. HELL NO... to every single item on their agenda. And they can go rot in hell or prison, which ever comes first. 😈

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That is precisely why we must ALL do what we can. As you read-the powers WHO want are unbelievable--enough to keep you awake even later!

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Thanks Jessica, extremely upsetting. We the people must stop this ASAP. Standup everyone.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Thank you Sir. Most excellent post indeed.

Thanks Dr. Jessica Rose for Cross posting this erudite piece.

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This is a rogue third world organization that should be put down like a rabid dog.

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or returned to its roots by re working how it is to be funded without "philanthropists"

Yes--a total remake.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Gee whiz, what can go wrong? Expand definitions so widely that you can define "potential threats" whichever way you damn well please, then declare sycophantic governments must fund your efforts to fight these imaginary and never-to-occur 'emergencies.'

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Do Not Comply. These people are not your friends.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

And how about this?

"North Korea elected to World Health Organization executive board"


Tells us all we need to know.

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As you say-tells you all you need to know.

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I dare say some idiot at the WHO muddled Korea with the disease Chorea.


I believe Chorea is caused by vaccines and big pharma drugs among other things but the WHO may not want us to know that.


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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

We need to fight these unelected demonic entities whose only course in life is to destroy humanity. They have been centuries trying to achieve total control over our daily lives. They found through the excuse of the " pandemic " to escalate their plan and also to bring out depopulation of the world by way of the shot administered through the greatest human experiment in history....its all one frantic push at them obtaining control and must be avoided with every breadth and fiber of your being.

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Yes. Plus, many of the people behind this, especially the old-money billionaires, have a long family history of support for eugenics.

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These elite families have generationaly being raised on the thinking that they and they only have the supreme right over every aspect of peoples lives. Not only do they believe wholeheartedly that there are too many of us so we must be eliminated but that our sole purpose in life is to serve them.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

I believe the number one reason the WHO is looking to mandate pandemic policy globally is its intention to mandate vaccine passports. Why? Because vaccine passports are the gateway to a more comprehensive Digital ID system, which when combined with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) spells the end of all financial freedom. CBDC is a programmable form of currency. The government would then be able to turn access to your money on and off at will. And that in turn means the end of both personal and national freedom (sovereignty). Bye bye western values; hello China.

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Bill Gates is ‘licking his chomps’ thinking about all the vaccines he can push and become richer and richer, with a nice depopulation sidekick. Pure evil.

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...but the final endeavor is to reduce (to < 10%) world population

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I agree that drastic population reduction is one of their goals. Many of the elites have eugenics in their family backgrounds. But I wouldn't call it the "final endeavor". Once CBDC and Digital IDs remove personal freedom it will be gone forever, and forever is pretty final.

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I take Robert Malone's latest 2 part testimony very seriously - it has been apparent for decades that the CIA are out of control and oversight ( viz US Congress' failure to control Bill Casey as detailed by Woodward ); he has come clean(er) about how they have directed US biological warfare research ( offensive and countermeasures ) for decades and how they have driven the offshoot of mRNA technology towards a dystopian future the effects of which they are "immune" to . Now he reveals that the CIA have advocated depopulation it seems to me they have "recruited" Big Pharma, "Fauci", most of the US military, WHO, and elements of the CCP to do their dirtiest work, not forgetting that the CIA had a very big hand in encouraging Schwab et al to establish the WEF. That the CIA are to all intents and purposes not totally reliant on US government funding - they have run guns, drugs and are heavy, successful, investors in 21st century tech businesses - is it not apparent that WEF "young leaders" are incompetently incapable of the planning of the GR .....it's the killers of JFK all along.....only they have the reach, resources, talents, experience....Schwab and his fawning acolytes are the CIA's used idiots....

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Indeed. There is a consultation document out which can be commented on up to end of June, days away. I refer to it here at the start.


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The more I hear about the World Health Organization the less I think they have a purpose. Most countries have emergency plans or know where to go to thwart their emergency. The International Health Regulations that are discussed behind closed doors and are secret are troubling. In Canada, our parliament says next to nothing about it. This is now the new normal in Canada where NGO documents are signed and no one knows about it. Yet, I see many countries are in the same nonsense with the World Health Organization. What I have read and seen about the One Health concept is very disturbing. Plus, no one wants the digital vaccine passports issued by the World Health Organization in its current surveillance state.

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I agree. When a body doesn't want discussion or bans it -then you know something is very wrong.

Any professional organisation should be able to explain its actions and where necessary defend them with evidence/data-when they refuse or are unable to do so-then you know..

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Indeed. As each person is an individual, the WHO's approach merely serves the globalists' interests. As disease is not actually understood by much of the western world's medics, this has allowed big pharma to gain control of the WHO.


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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

I just found your work thru Jessica Rose. Its important to gain your info because you have direct knowledge to the inside of the WHO. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this extremely important matter and please keep writing and sharing the information that you know. Thanks again!

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31 billion is less than 10% of what is being attempted.

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/the-changes-to-ihr-2005-and-the-new pandemic treaty will create a transfer of almost a trillion dollars a year from "first world" countries to the rest - bureaucrats and taxpayers clueless

roughly speaking - global gdp = 100 trillion

global average health spending as % of GDP = 7% = 7 trillion bucks

5% of health spending is the WHO target = 350 billion A YEAR


a fracti0n of global gdp - usually something like 0.5% - bureaucrats like that sort of number, it seeMS so paltry in order to mightily virtue signal!

every 0.25% of global FDP = 250 billion dollars, so half per cent is 500 billion dollars A YEAR


not the 31 billion referred to by Mr Bell,.

first world countries spend around 11-12% of GDP every year on health - the global average of 7% on health reflects this - poor countries have not as much to spend.

If (when?) the changes to IHR are passed, the WHO will have responsibility for tax rates and debt levels in countries already swamped with illegal immigrants and massive hospital waiting lists.

It is the march to "equity" by making everyone equally poor, sick and stupid in true soclaist, Maoist, Marixst fashion.

Remember - all taxation is theft. this mantra is the complete opposite of the WEF/Marx/Mao mantra that all property is theft.

That is what is on the table.


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to paraphrase what I said earlier-as you know-my main aspiration is to get into the heads of our political representatives-to get them to waken up-at least where it might make a difference.

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In my opinion, the only thing that will get elected representatives to wake up is fear -- a fear of the populace that exceeds the fear they feel when the thought of 'displeasing' their big-money funders crosses their minds. The billionaire oligarchs are rightly seen as a ruthless class of criminals who not only ruin careers but have been known to 'disappear' people from time to time (with the aid of their buddies at the CIA, of course).

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I know many people dislike Trump. But he cut off the WHO. If most people knew that bill gates was their leading money supporter and if most people knew what this little nerd has been doing the pitchforks of we the peasants might be activating.

WHO just another dystopian wet dream of complete power with no oversights or insights!

F the who Tedros gates and IF WE learned anything

Over the last 3 years it’s not to Trust any of the 3 letter agencies that have failed the people of this world. F report card F the who. Trump EM.

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Indeed-no three letter agencies and follow the money -as David Bell says, WHO just does what its funders want.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

I have read in the historical biblical times, that when the Israelites pulled out of Egypt, with Moses as their leader, that Egyptian health practices were quite deadly, ie, the use of unhygienic animal parts, etc. God forbade any Egyptian medical practices to be used after their exodus! What’s that got to do with this? Todays pharma practices don’t seem to follow the science anymore. The WHO’s latest dictates, based on totaritarian authoritarians, kill people! Rumours that Health Canada may stop the sale of vitamins in the next couple of years, if true, is scary! Give me liberty to choose or life is not worth it!

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Yes, the thing is the link to Egypt with big pharma is striking. Big pharma never followed science though, it is based of the fraudulent germ theory. There drugs and vaccines are designed to make people ill as to make people well is not good for its business.


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The problem is our elected leaders. They are colluding with the WHO/UN power brokers and making artificial narrative to crack down on the populace. Enough sheep will go along to drag everyone else down.

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We must keep trying to influence and inform them where we can--N.Ireland is small enough for that to be a possibility AND 3 N.I MPs are on that committee and are on our page.

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The last two videos are so important. If the WHO gets this control, we are in grave trouble. James Rogulski has written and warned us . Please everyone take heed.

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You are absolutely right and right re James.

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