Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

In my view the bill and the consultation relating to it is illegal. Today I asked Jayne Brady, the Head of the NI Civil Service, what legal advice the Department had sought before charging ahead with this absurd proposal and associated consultation. The proposed legislation rides roughshod over the UK Human Rights Act. https://x.com/JeffreyPeel/status/1841383249030885736

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I wonder who actually drafted it. Why are the DoH so determined to push this through in some form? They live here.

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Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

“It seems nothing has been learnt from its application of Covid policies in terms of their failure to control a virus”

This is NOT about “controlling a virus”. And they learned, you can be sure of that. This legislation is all about what they learned.

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I agree.

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This is outrageous. It’s presently in “consultation” in Northern Ireland.

As stated in the piece, if this goes through, as far as one can tell, all your rights end. All of them. No habeus corpus. The state may “do what it wilt” (Crowley language reference intended).

It’ll be “the whole of the law” (ditto).

Would this apply to visitors? Are there any other places in the world where this can happen? No? Then let’s not tolerate it in NI.

I object. I do not cooperate.

Best wishes


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And to you too, Mike.

We must keep going--all of us must do what we can--mine is research, write articles and share with our people and politicians.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

We have had this in Western Australia since 2016 - including vaccination by force, kidnap, etc. Once they declare Emergency powers it is legal. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-australian-government-may-legally

When Emergency powers are declared, your rights are gone.

People need to understand that just because something is legal does not mean it is moral or just, and once they declare emergency powers you must execute personal non-compliance at all costs. No one in the system will come to your rescue, no one will save you, they do not care.

People who do not quickly adapt to this reality, who complain about 'how unfair it all is' or expect someone to save them, will die.

At that point, all that exists is the emergency, and when it is over, they will congratulate themselves on a job well done.

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you are correct---now they have discovered the weak links in the previous regime, they are closing the holes.

Legal, just and fair and moral are not the same things.

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far fomdead in the water as many believe check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Janes is top notch. This is WHO by stealth --then the rest of the UK

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They do not need a 'pandemic treaty' to do any of this. All the domestic laws are in place.

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Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Dr McCarthy, I wonder if you are familiar with the warnings of Rosa Koire, US, from a number of years ago, which casts a lot of light on what is happening in the world at this moment.

Rosa Koire died a few later of cancer.

She did many videos on the subject. The one I highlight below can be found on Rumble at


The Goal is a One World Government. All Corporations working in unity as one against humanity. A Totalitarian state.

The Inventory Control Plan – to control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings.

That is what the so labeled “Sustainable Development Goals” really are about.

That is Agenda 21 very briefly, but to the point explained.

It is the Standardization of all systems – the total control of everything.

The individual will be cut out. All individual sovereignty will be taken away.

We now have the opportunity to wake up and say we don’t want this.

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I agree--globalist in control.

Who benefits -follow the money.

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Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

This legislation would be the apex of control over the UK....what an unholy action by the NI government to propose this should become the way our lives our 'managed'. Despicable that a human being could even think it up.....anti human and inhuman.

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It is hard to believe that this was written by our people, people who live amongst us and whose children go to our schools.

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theres something far more sinister lurking on the horizon namely the who pandemic treaty for more information be sure to check out the james roguski substack...also be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org ..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including northern ireland....however dont waste your time resharing it on the usual suspects twitter/you tube/gestapo book...who you can be sure will both censor and suppress it..that said there are many other outlets that can be used such as substack/telegram/e mails to name but a few...it currently has over 267000 signatures it urgently needs many more..and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and then by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same

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yes, as I say in the article--the WHO IHR amendments--para 6 I think.

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Re ‘The N. Ireland Department of Health is seeking control of all of us…’

Who exactly is seeking this control? Have the specific people responsible for formulating this ‘public health’ bill been identified? What are their names?

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The person who introduces it and signs the introduction introduction is the Health Minister, Mike Nesbitt. Strictly speaking he is responsible. I am in contact with him.

The people who drafted are civil servants, of course, soon the main author will be known.

Not just vaccination is political, of course, lockdowns are very political-actually it is all political, nothing to do with health since there are no proposals to improve health.

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Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

That’s crazy, are the people going to take that without a fight??? May as well be in Nazi Germany!

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Some of us are fighting!

See Together tonight with Paul Frew MLA (MP in English money)

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I read about this it's chilling, we should all be getting our pitch forks out in support of our Irish Brothers.

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Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Utterly and completely unacceptable. These people need to be dismissed and disciplined. By the people.

I am aware that these swine are trialing these globalist, authoritarian ideas, sucking and seeing. Once it's in place in one jurisdiction it will be implemented in others: the Republic and in Britain.

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It is hard to believe that our neighbours wrote this---they too are imprisoned by it.

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Oct 3Liked by Hugh McCarthy

It's amazing that there's even a need for a debate about this. Are people that removed from reality that they would actually agree to this or just not even question this. The proposed bill is ludicrous, to give these lunatics that much control over a population surely is enough for anyone to ask wtf is going on.

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This is all about getting the message to the public-so that the people act.

Sadly, whilst government departments have a duty to consult, they have NO duty to pay any attention to the results.

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I understand that. My point was that it's so preposterous for the government to be even suggesting something like this at all because I don't think any sane person would think it was a good idea to hand any government that kind of power.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Hugh McCarthy

They are closing in.

We have the same thing in Canada. It's passed the second reading of the Senate. I've spent almost

2 weeks writing to 105 Senators. Every day. We have the popular party who way out in front of the Government, trying to get an election, but the two parties keep the government in. The Senate is chosen by the government. ( The government doesn't ' know' where $400,000 of taxpayers money went. And a lot more). We have Mark Carney 'advising' this government . He's a WEF 'graduate'. Most of the government is too.

Australia is the same. They have the 'elites' writing the 'rules' for them ( I don't know who is doing it, but you know how 'covid' went. They are following ' orders'. ) They are just IGNORING everything that says 'it' doesn't work for 'Pandemic Protocols.' That not the point, is it? They wanting us to be 'serfs'.

And we have that 'thing': look up 'Government of Canada, Policy Horizons'. It's the ultimate goal : transhumanisim. The web site even says ' changing what is is to human'. The states has it too. Wonder about you guys. I knew all along that this was ultimate goal. Wonder if the Senators have been 'brain dead' from the 'covid ' shots? They're sure acting like it. I got some answers from several of the Senators. They can't focus, or even know what is wrong. One Senator told me, that he lays awake at night because the people don't trust them or any of our intuitions. WHAT?

Oh God.

Rudolph Steiner was a mystic, and a scientist, and an adept. He predicted this a 100 years ago. Even to the vaccines .

Here: https://youtu.be/2fngvQS_PmQ?si=4GlWlPOI7QwL-cCp

I See Fire. Tolkien was an adept as well. It makes me have courage.

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And this : https://youtu.be/Z4-VyHOQT-k?si=kR19ErDY-GXJ-rox

To y o u, My Friends: 100 Years From Now - Rudolf Steiner

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Ahriman is here!

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"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/1857-frederick-douglass-if-there-no-struggle-there-no-progress/

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do remember that during convid the who acting in an advisory capacity advised the governments of the world how they should respond need i remind you of what followed...my point is this if what happened as a result of following there instructions had the consequences that followed then what could happen if they themselves were in charge which is exactly what there after with the pandemic treaty talking of which are you aware that tedros and his cronies are determined to get the treaty done and dusted by the end of THIS YEAR....check out my post further down the thread

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Why are we surprised by such writings….this is the DNA of the “Progressives” without question….they really see everyone but themselves as the enemy…slaves to THEIR system without rights or any other basic elements of free speech. Inly THEY have the Rights you once had under their watch…..but you can bet if you do not pay their tax you will be in prison and your family destitute . They try to hide these feelings but Trump brings it out….and then we can see just who they really are!!

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and then they come for the next in line.

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