Excellent piece. I just wrote a similar article, summarizing everything "they" did to ALL OF US ... not just children.


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Indeed we are very much on the same page...and thinking re accountability-as you say, no-one (except us, the little people) has lost their job.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Hugh McCarthy

I, too, know that I’ve placed myself permanently unhirable by potential biotech consulting clients.

I was “let go” by my three remaining clients in summer 2020. One by one I received an invitation to speak with the CEO & the script was always the same. Board members, investors and advisors didn’t want the company to have anything to do with this biopharma veteran gone rogue.

I’d actively become semi-retired after the 2017 acquisition by Novartis of the biotech, Ziarco, which I’d founded in 2012 & led as CEO.

I had a small number of very good clients and was delivering valuable advice. I was widely known & well regarded across the biotech sector, mostly in the USA.

The strangest part of all this, it seemed to me at the time, was that none of the clever biotech founders, senior executives, experienced advisors etc ever appeared to have even briefed themselves on what I’d been alleged to have said.

I say that because there was no rebuttal or indeed any communication at all. How that came about, I don’t know.

I don’t think many people in that rarified sector knew what was happening in firms like Moderna, which some would pass as they commuted back and forth.

I am, however, pretty sure that some of the private equity investors were involved in financing Moderna. Such people are already part of the way in which large sums of money are siphoned away from the public purse under cover of “defence appropriations”.

An entity becomes a “limited partner” in the private equity financing partnership. Their names are never publicly disclosed, and so could easily be any of the Federal Government’s many agencies. Once this hot money is in the hands of the investor partnership, it’s easy to see how Moderna could raise astounding amounts of capital. This is generally not done while the biotech is still privately held, because the valuation is so easily less than their “post-money” debt obligation.

Furthermore, if the biotech does have to raise amounts that will result in their valuation being less than the aggregate investment, they’re almost always forced to accept a “down round”, where the share value at which new money comes in is lower than when money had been raised previously. In turn, this destroys not only management’s upside but also that of the earliest investors. The financial dynamics that usually align incentives of every person involved breaks down.

I’ve seen it happen a number of times.

So I knew Moderna was an outlier. Those whose firms were investors didn’t want to speak about it.

As a comment, I’m truly fortunate that I was successful before I had any idea of the kinds of evil things that go on in biotech & pharma itself. Whiie I won’t ever again be invited to consult, for my part, I wouldn’t even consider taking on a client.

Those who were mid-career in professions have made extraordinary sacrifices & I salute their courage.

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as we salute your courage, Mike. It is indeed much easier to be where we are when we are in retirement mode. As with you-I gave 11 detailed monthly presentations to one of the Boards I served on-to stony silence-and then lost all 11 votes 11-0. I then lost my seat. It has been little consolation to be told later that many agreed with me , including the Chair and CE--but I still couldn't prevent masks, testing, vaccinations in schools. I presume, Mike you accessed the 3 articles?

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I'm pretty sure I'm now unemployable at most organizations where I might apply for a job - not just journalism jobs. Few if any organizations want to hire a "contrarian" who will challenge conventional wisdom or might not follow the leaders of the "herd."

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Aug 29Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Let us NEVER forget - well done Hugh

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Aug 30Liked by Hugh McCarthy

It makes me very very angry that the 650+ Uniparty criminals plus their quango apparatchiks - with very few exceptions - are all hiding in plain sight; that Starmer & co are fulfilling the role of guilty dictators with aplomb and, emboldened by 20% of the UK electorate gifting them 170 fawning acolytes, are kicking these vulnerable kids again and again - how you remain calm is a miracle given your life’s work ….

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calm, but angry-I am particularly angry that you cannot get answers from "them". As you read,I wrote to our CMO, to our Health Minister, to several MPs, to our PHA--all with data and follow up questions--no-one attempted to justify/explain their actions.

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Aug 31Liked by Hugh McCarthy

My MP is still one N O’Brien - I appreciate your angry frustration in spades - I have emailed him with numerous challenges, data, links to reports, often because of people like yourself who do some very hard yards which I piggyback - he has refused point blank to stray one nanometre from “ safe and effective”, and the number of times he has trotted out that phrase is a disgrace - as much as he defends MHRA and Govt scientists - I’m sure you will have experienced this level of gaslighting. He knows that “we” are on to him - just not enough people prepared to guts it out with him and all his ilk- imho.

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Aug 29Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Anyone with an ounce of a brain or who knows anything about child development should have known the harms restrictions would cause to CYP AS SOON AS they were introduced . I was on a child protection training recently and the facilitator said a survey had been done which showed that children faired better who had outside space. Why does a survey need to be done to prove the bloody obvious! Sickening…..

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as you say anyone with an ounce of sense--we denied them everything which nurtured and protected their mental health--school, church, travel, sport, friends, social life and we isolated them...why is it coming across as a shock that children have suffered?

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I suppose people have to protect themselves from the horrifying knowledge that they went along with/facilitated horrific practices that have damaged children - and all for their own selfish reasons - shocking! I’d sack the lot of them!

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Hi Hugh, see my substack on the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. Ignored by mainstream media, politicians and even most of the 'alt' media. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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Thank you. I have your report on zero covid deaths in Scottish schools.

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Let's hope we live long enough to see some of these gangsters do time in an 8' x 8' cell..To all of you involved in keeping us all up to date on these crimes, well done 👏 your doing a great job.

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