Timothy, the question to which I cannot get an answer---why did we vaccinate children at all?----considering they were not at risk and were not a risk to others.

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My children are unvaxxed from birth…….get strong , it’s possible

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They've been injecting the kids with soft-kill jabs for decades. This assures there will be a minimum who grow old enough to collect their SS, pensions, etc.

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We lost the battle when our children needed to get jabbed to attend public school. Correction, we lost when we handed education over to the government! https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/the-defining-moment-of-our-time

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Coming for the actual children like this is horrendous to be sure, but today I am remembering that coming for the children started with the Eugenicists, decades ago, successfully propegating the idea that the earth was overfilled and we should not be having children to begin with, or have as few as possible. Those ideas were planted via the news, and in schools, to be sure. Eliminating small family farms (the Industrial Age) that required larger families to run them, all these things have successfully molded the minds of generations to restrict family sizes. Long game.

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Jehovah God, look down upon these evil-doers and foil their unrighteous activities. Remove the power that you have allowed them to have. Humble them to the dust from which they have been taken. Thank you Jehovah in Jesus Christ's name! Amen

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it's a little early for burning man...

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