DAVOS in the Desert: Controlling the Populace by Coming for the Children
"A reign of terror has been waged against children and parents"
I was invited to speak to an organisation called Davos in the Desert-an anti-globalist movement dedicated to providing forums whereby business leaders and government servants share their ideas for safeguarding freedom and liberty. My title:
“Controlling the Populace by Coming for the Children” (after 5 HOURS 47 mins) Listen/watch HERE Plz be patient with finding the various speakers!
My topic “A reign of terror has been waged against children and their parents. The filth of critical race theory. Hormone treatments. Gender reassignment surgeries. Hyper-sexualization of pre-schoolers. Failure to consent to the Mengalization of your children results in being deemed a domestic terrorist and the loss of custody of your children”
After the details of the programme, scroll down to the summary of my key issues. The presentation itself contains many useful slides. HERE
Who/what is Davos in the Desert
“We are aware of the threats that unaccountable apparatchiks at globalist bodies such as the World Health Organization pose to humanity. We are aware that these trigger-happy functionaries want the power to impose mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports and quarantines as well as the power to forbid prescriptions of heretofore regulatorily approved and effective medicines. Left unchecked the WHO will have the power to deem anything–so-called Climate Change, inequity, racism–a “health emergency”
Conference Programme HERE
Introduction—The Ultimate Goal of the Climate Change Hoax
There is no man-made climate change. This statement has been rigorously researched and will be defended in great detail.
Speaker: David Wanetick, CEO Davos in the Desert
The World Health Organization’s Gambit to Micromanage Our Lives (after1hour 3mins)
The World Health Organization insists on the right to deem just about anything a “health emergency.” The mere risk of pandemics, climate change, racism, inequality and gun violence could trigger the WHO into declaring states of emergency. Such proclamations threaten to result in the WHO superseding sovereignty in order to force unproven medicines on us and to squash our freedoms.
Speakers: Reggie Littlejohn, Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition & President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers Dr. David Bell, Senior Scholar, Brownstone Institute & Former Senior Medical Officer, World Health Organization 1.03
James Roguski, Researcher, Author and Observer of the Machinations at the WHO -after 1 hour 30 mins.
What Life Might be Like in C40 Cities (around 3 hours)Speaker: Karen Bracken, Founder, TN Citizens for State Sovereignty
In C40 cities, you won’t be allowed to own a car. You meat consumption will be restricted. Your purchases of clothing will be limited. Your travel will be regulated. And your freedom of movement beyond a 15-minute radius will be circumscribed.
The United Nations’ Broken and Corrupted Moral Compass (around 3 and a half hours)
The United Nations is a deeply flawed institution. It has come to be the promoter of repressive dictatorships, there is no investigatory authority at the UN’s Human Rights Commission. Now, the UN is determined to censor dissenting voices throughout the world.
Speakers: Peter Gallo, Former Investigator, United Nation’s Office of Internal Oversight Services
Jeffrey Tucker, Founder & President, Brownstone Institute
Creating a Food Crisis as a Means of Controlling the Populace (around 5 hours)
Paying farmers and ranchers not to produce food. The threat of eminent domain. Restrictive energy policies result in skyrocketing fertilizer prices. An unprovoked war on Maine’s lobster fishermen. An avoidable baby food shortage. Government sanctioned snatch-and-grab crime waves results in food deserts.
Dr. Bonner Cohen, Senior Fellow, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
Margaret Byfield, Executive Director, American Stewards of Liberty
Digital Currencies as a Threat to Our Freedom (around 6 hours)
The implementation of digital currencies will enable the government to track all of our movements and expenditures. Digital currencies could be used to ration food, limit our mobility and curtail our purchases on any product deemed to be harmful to the environment. Similar to China’s credit scoring system and the plight of Canadian truckers, those misbehaving could have their bank accounts frozen. No warnings. No appeals.
Speakers: Aaron Day, Former US Senate and Presidential Candidate
Kevin Freeman, Producer & Host, Economic War Room & Author of Pirate Money
I believe the introduction of such programmes falls well short of what is required in terms of parental consultation and the requirement to meet the moral and spiritual needs of our children and runs counter to the most recent scientific evidence as provided by eg the NHS.
What is required in a bespoke curriculum befitting the local social, cultural and religious norms of our society and one which has been prepared in full consultation with parents and Boards of Governors.
It is quite clear -setting aside moral and religious issues, which I and many have no desire to do-that the science is at the very least disputed and in such circumstances the Precautionary Principle should apply BEFORE society tampers with a child’s physiology.
I would wish for absolute assurance that the material laid out above will NOT be introduced into Primary Schools in N. Ireland.
I would seek further assurance that Post Primary material is subject to the rigorous information and consultation process as laid out in the ERO and by ALL the major players-DE,EA,CCEA and the SoS.
I would also seek clear guidance that any parent wishing to withdraw their child from any such lesson is informed well in advance of the detail and that clear arrangements are in place for withdrawal including alternative learning and teaching teaching arrangements.
WRT teachers:
The document entitled International technical guidance on sexuality education: An evidence-informed approach also expresses an “ideal” situation whereby teachers would be trained, but it also says that the absence of training should not be a reason for non-delivery. It states:
“Well-trained, supported and motivated teachers play a key role in the delivery of high quality CSE.”
It is clear that the training and provision of well-trained teachers needs to precede the introduction of the programme. So even if one agrees with its delivery in principle, it is remarkable that the WHO is comfortable with untrained people delivering this most complex and sensitive issue to children at the most impressionable developmental age of their lives.
In my view, using untrained and unwilling teachers is a recipe for permanent psychological harm.
AND Teachers must be satisfied that the resources they plan to use reflect the ethos of the school.
The representatives and employers of teachers should ensure that processes are in place to ensure that any teacher who objects to teaching such material,if it is introduced must be able to withdraw without fear.
Timothy, the question to which I cannot get an answer---why did we vaccinate children at all?----considering they were not at risk and were not a risk to others.
My children are unvaxxed from birth…….get strong , it’s possible