Very informative. Every parent should see a copy of this.

Thankfully I no longer have school age children. If I did I could not trust the state as it is today with their education.

I would make whatever sacrifices were necessary to home school.

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Thank you--and indeed every parent should know this--and I give talks in N/Ireland to try to inform them

I also rely on them to re post/retweet/share etc

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The nanny state attitude of the world technocracy and a fetish for child sexualisation has led us down this path. Must be resisted everywhere. Take your kids out of their PSHCE lessons on sex education and teach them what you think is right yourselves.

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Great article Hugh, it should be read by every board of governors at every NI school. They are meekly going along like lambs to the slaughter of group think, afraid to be thrown out of the tribe.

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Thank you and I am doing my best to get it out.

I did make a presentation to parent group leaders about a month ago setting out parent rights and what is planned for schoolchildren. Of course knowing your rights is no good unless you enforce them, so I spoke about that too.

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I know you are doing your utmost and it's much appreciated. If only CCEA would support you and circulate your article. Perhaps TBHRSE NI could do a fund raiser and mail out a copy to every school. Christian Concern appear to be very invested, having challenged Warwickshire Council on RSE and won. Have you shared your articles with them?

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I have shared my article with the Christian Institute, SUE, WCH, Profs Ennos, Fenton, Neil, Brighthope ,Dalgleish and Hinton as well as Dr Malik, Ivor Cummins, Joel Smalley, Dr Clare Craig, Waters plu pls and they usually re post. i have a meeting with the CE and Chair of CCEA next week. I hold an official position within CCEA atm

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Goodness, you have been busy Hugh. Hopefully the Christian Institute will take on the cause. Hope the meeting goes well.

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Very informative, but a hard read. 4 years before my grandchildren come across this nonsense. Hopefully 4 years of DJT sorting out the USA it will have filtered across the pond, fingers 🤞

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Great way to say it left wigs. I may adopt.

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