What is being taught to your child?
The article explores the extent of the WHO intrusion into the sphere of education which it appears to be using as a strategy for the delivery of a child sexualisation agenda. Read the article as published by the Brownstone Institute HERE.
Do you know your rights wrt the curriculum?
Do you know who manages your child’s school?
Parent rights in N. Ireland are set out HERE and in England HERE by Parents United.
Research shows that children, especially young children, seek the approval of the teacher and can be very influenced by what the teacher says and does, and therefore a teacher can play a key role in shaping what a young child believes, it is clearly very important that the taught curriculum and, indeed the school culture, are suitable.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Genevan philosopher credited with having the greatest influence on education: “If you ever substitute in his mind authority for reason, he will no longer reason. He will be nothing more than a plaything of other’s opinions”
Information, inclusion or indoctrination?
Department of Education guidance (N.I)states that education for all children and young people should be provided in an inclusive environment that is nurtured within the whole community. This environment should be ‘be positively welcoming to all, whatever their identity.’
It goes on to say that schools should “increase the visibility of transgender young people by supporting pupils in setting up a Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance or introducing transgender role models."
Do these statements create a culture and impose a belief system? Will the Inspectorate follow up by inspecting schools with these statements in mind, thereby forcing schools, irrespective of their ethos, to deliver such material or face a negative public assessment?
How will the Inspectorate interpret these indicators?
‘Provision for Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) includes age and stage appropriate content and scientifically accurate information’
‘Leaders value and promote an inclusive ethos, embrace diversity’ p12/13 of the new Framework for Inspection?
In the light of the forthcoming curriculum review in England, it is concerning to learn that a recent report, commented on by Dr Nicholas Tate, produced by the Oxford and Cambridge Exam Board tells Labour to:
“Put Climate Change and Diversity at the Heart of School Curriculum”
Dr Nicholas Tate was Chief Executive of the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (1994-7) and the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (1997-2000).
A similar review is being undertaken in N.I. and, bearing in mind that N.Ireland parallels English provision to ensure portability of its qualifications, it very concerning to see the apparent prioritization and centrality of these issues particularly given the continued deterioration in the standards of reading and numeracy across the UK.
It is also a matter of concern that the N. Ireland Children’s Commissioner (NICCY) in evidence to the Education Committee at Stormont said that every child in Northern Ireland “deserves to be taught Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) so they know what a healthy relationship looks like” and that “RSE is vital for preparing children and young people for life”. However the council appears to believe parents should not be part of that:
“All children and young people should be able to access the same information on RSE and parents should not be able to opt-out for their children.”
In N.Ireland parents have long established rights wrt to curriculum provision, they have the right to withdraw their child from classes and the curriculum must be in line with the ethos of the school as determined by its Board of Governors on which serve many parents as a right. Do you know what the position is where you live?(Parent rights in N. I. are set out HERE and in England HERE )
In June 2023, NICCY had welcomed the Relationships and Sexuality Education (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) 2023, which introduced a mandatory requirement for the inclusion of age-appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to abortion, for adolescents in the Northern Ireland (NI) curriculum.
Age-appropriate ? WHO decides?
WHO has produced two documents available HERE and HERE which set out what it considers is age-appropriate sex and gender education for 5–16 year-olds.
The WHO approach to gender is encapsulated the statement:
“(the WHO) responds to contemporary global challenges through education with a special focus on gender equality”
“Sexuality education is firmly based on self-determination and the acceptance of diversity”
Whilst their approach to sexuality education is summed up by the statement:
"a child is understood to be a sexual being from the beginning"
The guidance normalizes attitudes and beliefs with which many profoundly disagree and which it is not part of the WHO remit and represents a wholly inappropriate intrusion into individual’s belief systems.
Actually, education can only be understood in its wider cultural, historical and philosophical context and this is being ignored by the policy makers.
Teaching requires an empathy with, and knowledge of, the cultural norms of the society , this is clear in the teaching of history, geography, religion, language and sport- a matter I explore further in the article.
The WHO guidance clearly establishes a culture and sets out a norm for what is acceptable to teach young children.
And scientifically accurate?
The accurate science is presented in the NHS commissioned CASS Report.
Much has been written about affirming children’s gender choice on the basis that this will make them healthier and happier, indeed that was the basis for the Dutch Protocol, much evidence has now emerged to the contrary.
“Gender-Affirming Care Is Dangerous. I Know Because I Helped Pioneer It.” By Dr Riittakerttu Kaltiala and a very recent study reports that:
“children on Puberty Blockers could Be at Risk of Poor Mental Health: Study”
Chloe Cole is 20 years old, she is a detransitioner. Listen to her story HERE
Access to Abortion.
My understanding is that the Catholic faith is opposed to abortion and hence the NICCY position is contrary to the ethos of Catholic Maintained schools.
“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”
Another aspect of indoctrination ? Critical Race Theory—read David Barnhizer’s article HERE
AND DON’T FORGET- Read the article as published by the Brownstone Institute HERE
Very informative. Every parent should see a copy of this.
Thankfully I no longer have school age children. If I did I could not trust the state as it is today with their education.
I would make whatever sacrifices were necessary to home school.
The nanny state attitude of the world technocracy and a fetish for child sexualisation has led us down this path. Must be resisted everywhere. Take your kids out of their PSHCE lessons on sex education and teach them what you think is right yourselves.