Apr 15Liked by Hugh McCarthy

No one wants to ask questions because the answers will prove they messed up right from the starting block… we reach the end point when silly people stop asking silly questions and listen to intelligent people who already know the answers… it just that silly people are running everything … including the government … social platforms the WHO…CDC FDA..and the media circus…

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The problem is there are more silly idiotic clowns than originally thought. Unreal

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Problem we all seem to realise.. is when the clowns finally face the music…. They will play even dumber because they assume the ordinary person in the street has less ability to think critically.. and see what actually happened.

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It was the aim of social engineering that began 50 years ago and it has perfectly attained its goal.

Almost nobody saw it coming as it was so efficiently managed and slowly progressing that it came unnoticed .

Et voilà!

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Easier to stick with the superficial than deal with the implications of what you just said.

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I'd like to think they are silly!

But I fear the agenda was laid out long ago & it's anything but silly if we are foolish enough to comply...

Killers. That's what the people are who devised the the terror campaign around "Covid," those who build Chimeric Bio-weapons, those who lie about early treatments, those who isolate vulnerable elderly people from the family members who would protect them, those who euthanized them with Midazolam or Remdesivir & a Ventilator, those who closed the schools, force masked our kids & terrorized them with fear they'd kill Grandma, those who created the toxic gene therapies & who forced them on people...and finally, those who orchestrated the stifling & disappearing & murder of all dissent as well as those who cried "foul!"

You see, to accomplish all this you must work VERY hard to plan & carry out your attack on the entire Free World. It was no accident, that I'll bet my life on.

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Closures, yes disadvantaged kids, but so too did the schools that did not close but required masks. Elementary schools in Japan did not close, for the most part, however, for 4 full school years, kids here, including my own, we forced to wear masks, for over 3 of those and then to try to learn from teachers that continued wearing them for the rest of the fourth school years even after the recommendation to do so ended. The 5th school year since the panic began has just begun here and for the first time my 5th grader can finally hear their native language spoken clearly. However, this comes 1 and 1/2 years after they began having difficulties with listening comprehension and almost a year after they first exhibited pronunciation problems.

Even schools that did not close found ways to deny their charges a proper education.

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Yes indeed-I have spoken and written many many times about masks---plz see my substack

In N.Ireland we fought for and secured a mask exemption---I NEVER wore one and I helped parents exercise their rights for their children. It was challenging. I will speak about maks tonight on Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics--setting out the harms. Dr Gary Sidley is very good on this. Static timetables, excessive hand washing, no sport, no clubs, no proper teaching--I agree and I raised it 11 times at one of the education boards I was on--to a hostile room btw.

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Two days ago, 8 out of 12 medical students in one class and all 12 of the other wore masks during class. 11 of my 15 nursing students were masked for the 1st half of the class but 13 wore them after the break. This insane.

I too have not worn a mask, and am now almost out of work because of it. I anticipate the mask fight each time I go on campus.

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Incredible. Not one country nor US state showed a drop in "cases" after the mandation of masks.

Anyway, anyone who thinks a cloth stops a virus should not be in the medical world.

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Yep. There are at least two studies that compared conjoined counties, one with a mask mandate and the other without, that indicated that the counties with mask mandates had higher incidence of covid.

I know that many in the medical fields know that the masks do not stop viruses but wear them anyway as it required to do so. They do not know or downplay the long known health risks associated with prolonged mask wearing.

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Medical students wear masks when it is known they undoubtedly are totally useless at protecting against any virus whatever it may be.


We have nothing good or positive to hope from from already brain dead medical personnel .

They will surely have a great career given how much they already comply into stupidly even before the end of their studies.

Conclusion : No need to have a functional brain to enter medical field, nothing more than a good memory is required.

You learn and memorize by heart and repeat the same way.

Friendly Adolf would have been happy to have many divisions of like brain dead.

Zig Heil Toni the Reaper and friends.

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They do not know that masks are worse than useless against viruses. Japanese have been wearing masks against flu and colds since the Spanish flu…with no measurable positive effect.

Now, we have medical professionals in the US and elsewhere suddenly believing masks works to stop airborne viral transmission. It is like the whole of the medical profession worldwide had collective lobotomy in early 2020.

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THE important word in your comment is " BELIEVING ".

When you believe you do not think critically, analyze pros and cons, discuss, debate.

Beliefs, are intrinsically beyond reason.

Belief and reason are mutually exclusive attitudes.

Belief relies on and is built of dogma.

Reason relies on and works from verified and verifiable facts.

So, medical personnel and all other who wear and / or recommend and/or mandate wearing mask can be considered as worshipping an out-of-a-hat faith based on nothing else than assertions made by great priests of this fake new religion named medicine that is professed by relentless POOPAGANDA and whose ultimate GREAT PRIEST is the greatest benefactor humanity has ever known, that even if he has absolutely not achieve the required modicum of credential to simply and legally prescribe a glass of water has been nonetheless able to reach the acme of the medical universe by "surgically precise and efficient" investments in pivotal elected persons and regulatory

agencies and all those alphabet ones ( WEF, WHO, UN, ...)

So, humanity is , in her many if not all decisionnal fields and by authority representatives, subjected to this new religion that has been patiently hammered down on the civil engineering anvil and now, many but not enough persons, witness the results and are horrified by them.

So, what can be done will you ask me ?

Stand the line.

Hold the ground.


Do not waste resources on those who are not awaken at this moment for they will never be.

Knit very strong family and social ties wherever and whenever possible.

Prepare for the absolute worst because it is already in motion ( for those able to look behind the curtail of the humanity's theatre scene ) and it will soon hit with all its might and resources.

That is where I perceive we are.

Humanity has reach a never before known catastrophic point of no return.

We can not obviously count on the quantity of troopers so we have to upgrade our quality.

Hope not having painted a desperately grim picture of what is already for me a

reality .

Make the much of every moment of every day.

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“So, what can be done will you ask me ?

Stand the line.

Hold the ground.


I have done precisely this and as with every other good deed, have been punished for it.

I am all but alone in a sea of mad maskers. Have had many fights over the damned things with my wife and children, to the point where they, after shouting at me to wear a mask on the train we boarded together, ran to the far end when I would not. I desperately need more work, but had to turn down a great job offer over their mask mandate.

Unless God intervenes, I am months away from insolvency.

If everyone were willing to take it this far, none of us would have to.

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Jun 21Liked by Hugh McCarthy

I contracted a Certified Industrial Hygienist to determine the levels of carbon dioxide an adult was being exposed to by wearing a surgical mask for 8 hours. The samples were sent to a certified laboratory under strict chain of custody procedures. The data is legally defensible in any court of law. We learned that a person was being exposed to levels of carbon dioxide that were 2 times over the OSHA exposure limit. These levels would be much more dangerous to children. There is a study the CDC sponsored in 2012 that reported that persons wearing an unvented N95 mask were being exposed to carbon dioxide levels that were 7 times over the OSHA exposure limit. Finally, on page 5 of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Handbook for Hospitals, it clearly states that surgical masks are not protective against small particulates. When I pointed this out to the school board, they didn't care that their mask mandates for the children were harming them. They engaged in child abuse and still no one has held them accountable.

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Stories such as this burn me up. I am certified in respirators and knew from long ago that what they were saying about masks against covid was wrong and wrong in a way that prepanic would get those behind the mandates in all sorts of civil and criminal trouble. They did not and do not care. OSHA itself suspended many of its regulations and rules to allow employers to force the shots, known, and the masks, suspected.

More proof that all this was never was about health nor safety. They need to be hauled into court and made to defend their actions.

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Jun 21Liked by Hugh McCarthy

I agree and nice to make contact with another HSE professional. I'm frustrated that most Industrial Hygienists did not stand up for what they knew to be right.

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Wow! Great stats you provided in your post regarding chain of custody, etc. This is not surprising from someone who works in healthcare, has asthma and was forced to wear a mask over the last several years due to no shots. I can definitely say the asthma has worsened. If you care to share your info. I'd sure appreciate it

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Next time refuse. Masks are not benign. Your health is worth more than whatever any employer mandating a masks against a virus can provide.

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do read my two recent mask articles which have the data re masks

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...also sorry you were forced to wear a mask with your asthma.

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I can share, but with the names of the people who were sampled and the name of my company blotted out. If you are good with that, post an email and I'll send it to you.

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Thank you

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I too would love to see the info. I would bring it to work proactively (against the "next time").

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As GG did above, post an email address and I will send it to you.

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Actually, I am not. I had to get certified for respirators in the navy and have since spent over two decades trying to get my students in Japan, including medical and nursing students to stop wearing masks against colds and flu.

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Jun 22Liked by Hugh McCarthy

See page 5 of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Toolkit for Hospitals. It clearly states they are no good for protecting against small particulates. They only prevent you from spitting on your patients.

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What is mot? I wish I could refuse without losing my job. After 3 decades in healthcare I am considering quitting. THAT is the main reason. I may try to find a job working from home in nursing. Wishing you all the best on your crusade! Hopefully it remains a choice there that doesn't involve loss of work.

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“Mot” is a typo, now corrected (thanks) that should read “not”.

Not sure that I lost work because I will not mask, but not masking has prevented from replacing jobs I lost over these past 4 years. I am much closer to homelessness that I am comfortable with. Unless I can sell some stuff off, or land a job that does not require masks. I will start defaulting on bills by the end of summer, mid Fall at the latest.

But I will not wear a mask.

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Maybe the data I sent will help. Respond via email.

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Apr 15Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Dr. John Ioannidis warned the world but the leaders never listened.

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They knew.

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Jun 21Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Of course, Ioannidis was correct, although I'm fairly certain the risk to the elderly was mostly the result of terrible treatment or lack of--remdesivir, modazolam, ventilators, etc. Had we simply treated C19 like the flu-like bug it is, we'd have hardly noticed. Just another stout flu year, if even.

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Jun 21Liked by Hugh McCarthy

"Why do we need to keep saying the same thing over and over again? Is it because a) I’m a teacher b) no one has accepted responsibility for the harms c) if we don’t they will do it again d) they haven’t admitted they were wrong e) some people still don’t see"


The only reason why it has to be repeated again and again is simply because the majority of people in the majority of nations simply and blindly COMPLIED.

Governments and all their agencies are and act like bullies walking down the streets and beating everyone into the ground.

Given that none of them have faced any kind of retaliation they continue as would do every bully because they face no potential danger.

And this will last as long as the majority of people in at least one nation will not realize that each of them possess the only real and absolute power which is simply to say NO MORE AND HOLD FAST TO IT.

It has been made crystal clear more than 500 years ago and it is still as true now as it was then.

Take time to read a quote from this magnificently enlightening writing and to integrate its message into your core values and, why not, maybe all the text and find by and for yourself, your loved ones, your community and your nation the required inspiration that will allow to finally get rid of all those ennemies of humanity and if a peaceful and fulfilling life .

" Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces.”

The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude


Your life.

Your choice.

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Jun 21Liked by Hugh McCarthy

All those things in your first paragraph are right. But they aren't the heart of the matter. Your post is what should really be thought and done.

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yes, I was somewhat tongue in cheek.

Those reading my articles will know that I keep saying the same thing over and over in the hope that the blinkers fall off--a sort of water on the stone approach. Part 3 to be published later talks about the whys

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Thank you Wilson.

The first paragraph is only my way of establishing precisely to which part of the text my comment is related to.

I almost always begin my comment with a quote of the commented article given that some may be long and thus to bring the reader exactly where I want one's mind to begin thinking about the relevance of my comment.

Thank you for your comment.

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you are right. The only reason why it has to be repeated again and again is simply because the majority of people in the majority of nations simply and blindly COMPLIED.

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No virus has ever been isolated. This blows the whole thing out of the water. Why is this not being investigated?

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for me--it doesn't matter so much whether there was or was not a virus---it is what "they" did--removed our human rights and civil liberties---free speech, freedom to worship, work, be educated, travel, meet, visit sick

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I realise that but they did it under false pretences. It absolutely does matter. It’s the crux of the matter. It’s crucial

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yes, I accept that demonstrating the false pretences IS vital.

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Whether or not they exist, the evidence against 'germ theory' and for 'terrain theory' is very strong. So it might be advisable to pay more attention to more important factors.

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This is the most important factor. It could dispel the fear of an invisible enemy and thereby make people aware of the creeping control of everything. People obey because of fear. Remove the fear and critical thinking may return

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people also obey because they are conditioned to obey authority. Fear is a tool but not the only factor. This entire thing was a test and the lizards are pleased that it went so well.

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"Remove the fear and critical thinking may return"

Critical thinking is not impeded by fear or the use of it.

At contrario, a real critical thinker's radar goes " "bipping " as soon as fear is used as it is the first signal that a storm of POOPAGANDA is coming.

But that is right that many are almost instantly physically and mentally paralyzed by fear.

It is not for nothing that it is the oldest and most effective weapon used in physical as in psychological wars.

And,not to be forgotten, we are trained into obedience since day 1 so, it is not given to everyone to easily jettison the mind shackles that one lives with from birth.

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Jun 23Liked by Hugh McCarthy

A great piece Hugh, We will all feel better when people own up and serve their jail sentence some of whom, should have the keys thrown away.

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20200302 - "Globally, about 3.4 percent of reported COVID-19 cases have died," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing.

That was an order of magnitude greater than the real infection fatality rate.

So, would you believe them when they say that, for example, 90% of countries have ratified a Treaty?

And they knew that teens and children were in no danger when they offered them vaccines. And their parents took them along to get jabbed. Some, so they could go on holiday.

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I would have never thought that Mister T. Knew how to count given the way he misunderstand all the facts that are made public.

Maybe he does not know who to read at first.

That could partially explain a lot of his sayings and decisions even though I think such a level if incompetence can not be achieved without intense training and strong will.

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