Over Here, I hope that the entire membership of SAGE never manage to sleep for more than ten minutes maximum for the rest of their lives, as indeed Fauci and his accomplices will never rest easy.

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Personally I wish them all far greater problems than a lack of sleep - like they all die a relatively short (they’re too dangerous to hang in there for too long) painful demise - but doubtful if it’ll be from any of the deadly vaxxes the rest of the world were forced to take - public vaxxes if water was all they had 👿👿👿 and I make no apologies

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Here here, i want them to hang and then spend eternity burning in hell!

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Especially Sir Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome Trust who was also a member of SAGE along with being an accomplice of Fauci et al. https://azradale.substack.com/p/new-fauci-emails-show-christian-drosten

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He really needs stringing up and NOW - thoroughly evil

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He must be evil to be involved with everything that he has been and is.

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You’re a lot more generous than I am by wishing them lack of sleep, I hope (and they deserve!) that every last person complicit in this HANGS!

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🤣 unlikely hence the painful death by proxy rope!

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Are you a follower of Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, by any chance?

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No tell me more

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He uses similar phrases such as "hang 'em high", but he's only using the language in a figurative way. The guilty ones will have to be tried in court, like civilised society always insists upon!

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🤣 obviously but it’s still a smiley idea!

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You asked Why?

Because the 'powers that be' know they are losing their grip and want to put vulnerable people back into a state of irrational fear. To turn questions of excess deaths and the overrun NHS not from 'covid' back into a focus they think might distract from dawning reality. The visible symbol of acwuiescence has been a very powerful tool for them. It is one way they can easily see who they are manipulating.

Thanks for your wotk Hugh, appreciated.

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Exactly! We all know that most people aren’t dying from neglect from those murdering bastards in the nhs nor are they dying from a ‘virus’ that quite simply never existed, they are dying from the state injectable and for this these bastards MUST HANG!

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Thing is Connie, if everybody truly did the best for themselves there would not be anything for 'them' to control. Better to laugh in their faces and be our own decision maker. Death is too good for 'them'. The current lot would just get replaced by more of the same. Better to empower 'us' to see it all for what it is and have the strength to do our own thing than be pushed. nudged, coerced or even simply follow the crowd, going along to get along. Remove power from 'them' by not giving them the power in the first place. That would be a living hell for 'them'.

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Another great article Hugh, thanks for your tenacity.

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I have said it elsewhere. I will say it again here. The maskholes just... WILL. NOT. STOP. It amazes me, but frankly, I blame myself somewhat, along with others on Team Reality. Early-on, we were decisive with "masks do not help anything." We were a bit reticent to say, "masks cause harm." In a case such as that, where there is perceived risk asymmetry, there will, almost ALWAYS, be the tendency to use the measure. "Can't hurt. Might help." Superstitions persist for that reason. Masking has become such, basically an article of faith.

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I forgot---if vaccines work, why do you need a mask? Question for maskers

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My mask only works if you wear yours, Silly!

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Also tribal ID & talisman, Wiltster!

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Absolutely! There is a great word for that which escapes me right now.

ETA: The word is, "shibboleth" and that is EXACTLY what masks are and have always been.

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Thank you, I was racking my brain & coming up blank!

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Governments have learned virtually nothing from the very many and obvious mistakes they made in 2020 and 2021. Masks are key amongst these mistakes. It's embarrassingly thick for anyone to not realise that masks can't possibly work and especially if you are in charge of any government department be it local or central. It simply demonstrates that you are not fit for the job you are doing.

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Oh, the governments know that the masks don't work.

This is pure terrorism...

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This was never a mistake or an accident, every single evil step along the way was meticulously planned by the governments paymasters but what they need to remember is this, they will pay the ultimate price and will be trampled underfoot by the very ‘people’ whose bidding they do!

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Underlings always get eliminated by tyrants and dictators once they have fulfilled their usefulness.

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Are any of them?

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Yes, please stop. I'm in jail ministry, and this a thing again for us. The proponents are constantly referring to the medical community, which has maintained the mask mandate religiously for the past years. Big pharma and Big medicine and Big business are all in bed with Big government. Keep speaking the truth.

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You cannot help but love Governor Ron DeSantis and his Surgeon General, Dr.Joe Ladapo. Two men intelligent men, who seek out the truth, implement their findings from their experts and work for the people of the state of Florida. Britain would do well to take a page from Gov DeSantis’ tome. Send his videos to your MPs. They need to see how a competent leader understands the problems, listens to all the experts and follows the law. This is sadly lacking throughout the United Kingdom government whether it be national or local. It is a disgrace.

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Hi Mary! No point showing any member of the who/wef run governments around the world any logical and factual information, their paymasters simply will not tolerate it!

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The mask of the beast. For the truly brain-dead and subservient ! For your health !


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This time round there will be hundreds of us that won't comply, because we follow science, not 'the science' put forward by the control freaks 'in charge'. They forget we elected them to serve us, they are not in charge of us. Just be blatant and don't mask up. The more the merrier...

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I hope it is more than hundreds!!

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Yes indeed!

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Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism

"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"


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Happy New Year Hugh!

They really are going with this freshly baked Bob Moran cartoon/meme, aren't they?


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and a happy new year to you too!

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Thank you Hugh.

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

This is how you collapse the COVID Insanity Vortex.

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Thanks for this. If I may, for those who don't do video:



[This is a clip of Stephen Petty's testimony before the New Hampshire State Senate Health and Human Services posted on YT which is taken from from the over 4 hour long hearing that was lived- streamed on March 30, 2022, in which Stephen Petty appears at 2:17:34 . You can find that original source here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZb3ND7Q1B8&t=0s ]


STEPHEN PETTY: My name is Stephen Petty. I'm a certified industrial hygienist, certified safety professional, professional engineer. I've been working 45 years in the field of health and safety. I spent my entire life trying to protect workers and the public from toxins, I've sampled for anthrax, biotoxins, the whole list. I've been in over 400 cases named with respect to exposure control and exposure and PPE [personal protective equipment]. And most recently I testified in the state of Kentucky, and a result of my testimony the mask mandate was overturned statewide.

So let me introduce the topic of industrial hygiene. Industrial hygiene is not well understood by many. We have a lot of physicians talking about industrial hygiene, it's not their field. Industrial hygiene is the science and art devoted to anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control of environmental factors and stressors that can cause you to be sick, make you feel bad, or even kill you. And I've testified 400 times in those sorts of cases.

The problem is that we have a lot of physicians talking about things like that, and they be perfectly talented folks, but it's not their sandbox. When I'm in trials we have a physician that talks about the disease, and I talk about exposure and exposure control and PPE.

The last physician, that talked earlier, I'm here to show you that every statement he made is false.



The problem is, you cannot seal a mask by definition. A mask that seals is a respirator.


In industrial hygiene, we don't look at solutions that do a little bit of good, that might help 1% of the people. We have a requirement that if we're going to provide a solution that helps the public, it better have at least a 90% relative risk reduction.

How would you feel if I walked in and I said to asbestos workers, "Let's put you in a mask, it might save 1% of you from asbestosis, but the other 99% will get it." I think I would lose all my licenses.

And by the way, asbestos fiber on average is 50 times larger than a covid particle and we have very high end respirators, PAPRs, that are used to protect asbestos workers. And I'm certified in protecting asbestos workers.

So, why in the world would you take a 1% solution when you need 90% when we have solutions like ventilation destruction and filtration that do meet that 90% requirement from industrial hygiene?

The other thing you hear about all the time is on page 12, you see the top, let's move on to N-95s. As I just said, we wouldn't even use an N95 for asbestos workers. But here's a study by Shaw et al that shows even for N95 where you glue it onto a board, and that's where most of these mask studies were done, they literally glue the mask onto a mannequin or a board.

Now do you glue your mask on your face? Of course not. So what happens, when it's not, so if it's glued on, they say well it has 43% effectiveness. What if you put a gap on it? Three percent effectiveness. And that's the real world.

So about masks, on page 13. On January 2, 2022 Scott Gottlieb, FDA Commissioner, on Face the Nation spilled the beans, he said basically masks don't work.

I've been putting real engineering controls in real schools for two years. You can imagine, as somebody who spent his whole life defending workers in toxic [?] trials and the public, how infuriating it is to see people propose solutions that cannot and do not work.

He admitted it.

We also had CDC file an admit on January 14 of 2022, well, these masks aren't very effective, so let's move to N95s. I said, no, no, no, no, let's move to engineering controls.

If you follow the CDC guidance, I said, what science changes its position 180 degrees in two years? Masks, no masks, masks, no masks. No science does that.

The other thing I want to point out is, on the bottom of page 15, and I wrote a 27 page letter to the CDC in February complaining about this, as well as to Fauci and the White House. Along with eight other industrial hygiene folks.

They say, well, we want to put children in N95s, and then they link you to the manufacturers' websites, including 3M. What does 3M say about N95s and children?


And now also they say, well, as soon as you go to masks, you have got to start following respiratory protection standards which has all sorts of requirements. You can't just hand somebody an N95 and not incur a lot of liability if you don't ensure that they're fit-tested, that they're medically cleared to wear it, that they've been trained on how to wear it, and they've been trained on how to replace it.

So, on the bottom of page 16, we have industrial hygiene, as I said before, what we call the hierarchy of controls. Everybody agrees with this. The most effective hierarchy is engineering controls. The least effective would be personal protective equipment or PPE. And PPE for respiratory protection is respirators because you can seal respirators.

Now why are respirators on the bottom of the barrel for controlling hazards? Because they don't get worn right. You put somebody in, we know this from decades of doing this, you put a respirator on somebody for eight hours a day, they're going to break that seal. Guarantee it, it's not going to get worn right.

Well the interesting thing is, masks don't even fit in the hierarchy. They're below it. They're not even part of it.

Again, engineering controls is the solution.

Now what about damaged children? There's a lots and lots of data on this.


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During the early days of the Fake Plague, I wore my Honeywell Model 7700 Two Stage respirator.

In a medical setting.

Those erudite idiots were impressed!

They were clueless to the fact that air is filtered on the inhale only.

I was (arguably) protected from their germs.

After that, I never masked up.

Caught the Moronic variant in JAN 2022.

Dose of horse paste. Two day cold.

Were this a real plague, they would all be dead, stacked up like cordwood, dirty dust masks covering their faces. Hotspots of COVID in all the big box stores.

Bodies everywhere.

Never happened.

The cordwoods of dead are the vaxxed.

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This one is my personal fave. In case you haven't already seen it:

Boom! Dr. Ted Noel Demonstrates That Aerosol Will Not Be Stopped by Man

Mask Demo (Quick and Dirty Version)

from Doctor Ted with Careful Consideration for Our Common Concerns


Published May 15, 2022



DR. TED NOEL [wearing a blue surgical mask]: So without further ado let's cut to the chase and take a look at an ordinary surgical mask. And I'm using a vape. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] As you can see, that vape which has aerosols the same size as covid-19 or larger [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] goes through and around a surgical mask.


[wearing a cup mask] Now if we take a cup mask and have a good look at it, here we go. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Notice it goes right through the mask easily and goes in every direction. The aerosol is not affected by the mask in any material form.


Now we look at surgical mask with a foam strip to protect above

and keep my glasses from fogging. [now wearing the surgical mask with foam strip] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Lo and behold, the aerosols go all around it. It has no effect on me spreading aerosols to you.


[in a blue cloth mask] Now a cloth mask I borrowed from my wife. Once again, here we go, boom! Straight through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the mask and the sides of the mask] It has no effect on the spread of aerosols. They go everywhere.


[shows package containing Guard mask] And then I went and bought a Guard mask with a high efficiency filter material. That one? Here we go, watch for it. [now wearing in mask] Through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] It had no effect on the vape aerosol which, remember, is the same size or larger.


Now I don't have an N95 mask, I have these shop respirators where they could put all kinds of things in them [pointing to filters] but they're like an N95 because when you breathe out everything goes out through a valve. [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Guess what? It might protect me from you, it sure isn't going to protect you from me. Let's look at that again. Boom! [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Any mask with a button on it has a valve that lets everything go from you to your neighbor. It has no effect on anything.


I think you can get the picture now. There is absolutely nothing that any of these masks do to protect you from me. And the fact is that unless I have a mask which is fully sealed and where I breathe through the filter material both directions, and I have a really high quality filter, nothing is going to protect in either direction. Because just the same way that the vape went out, around, and through, it will come in, around and through. Aerosols will not be stopped by man.

You don't need a big study. All you need is this [holds up vape] because the aerosol here is actually larger in molecular size than the aerosol from your breath. And because your breath has a smaller tighter aerosol, just because it can't be seen ordinarily, that aerosol will go everywhere. It gets through easier, it gets around easier.

Masks. Guard masks. Cloth masks. What are they good for? Oh, here's what they're good for. If I'm going to cough, they make it so I don't have to do this [coughs into a stack of what appears to be Kleenex] and catch the aerosol. Or here [indicates behind his shoulder]. Or pull out a handkerchief and do it.

They don't work.

Remember, I am a doctor. I do not play one on TV.



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Dr. Ted Noel's podcast is


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he also presented to Pandata

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One more, with thumbs up to you!!

COVID-19: A Second Opinion

Streamed on January 24, 2022




DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: The body of evidence*, and I speak as an evidence-based medicine specialist, the entire body of evidence tells us conclusively that the blue surgical mask that we've been using, and the white mask, the manmade masks, are largely and highly ineffective. They do not stop transmission, and every single place in America that we looked at, or the globe, where you impose the mask mandate, the actual infections increased.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: This was actually one instance where Dr.Fauci was right, first, before he—

MALE VOICE OFF-CAMERA: Before he was wrong.**


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: Mr. Kirsch, just quickly describe who you are, how you got involved in this, and what point you want to make.


STEVE KIRSCH: Sure. My name is Steve Kirsch. I used to be a high-tech executive. My company was shut down. I started the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, was featured on "60 Minutes" for discovery of, or for the funding of fluvoxamine which has proven to be, reduce death by 12, a factor of 12, and still the NIH won't recommend it, for some reason. And I'm also the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.***

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: OK. You have a mask that you want to talk about.

STEVE KIRSCH: Yeah. So there are only two randomized studies that have been done for masks and covid. And they looked at cloth masks and surgical masks. And in both studies there was zero effect. So the most recent one was the Bangladesh study.* And what we did is we got ahold of the original data set that was used for the paper and we did the graphs.** There is no difference at all between wearing a cloth mask and not wearing a cloth mask. The curves were identical. And they misrepresented it in the study as showing that it works. If you actually look at the data and you plot the data, and you can get the data because it's publicly available, you will find that the curves are identical. There is no difference between the cloth masks. And the surgical mask were in between the cloth masks. So if you had a red cloth mask it worked, if you had a purple cloth it didn't work at all, and the surgical masks were in between the two. In other words, it's all statistical noise. These masks do not work at all.

And the N95 masks are maybe slightly better but only for a very short amount of time. If you're in a room with someone for any amount of time, even with an N95, it's not going to work.

[Holds up an industrial mask with two hamburger-patty-sized pink filters]

The only mask that is proven to work is the one that they don't tell people about and that nobody wears.


This is the only mask that works. So this is called a P100 mask. It is 150 times more effective than an N95 mask. This is the only mask that has a chance of working. It's never been tested for the corona virus, but it should be 150 times better than almost zero.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: I'm a little reluctant to even hear you talk about it because I'm afraid the Biden administration just might allocate about 100 million dollars to send those out to everybody.


STEVE KIRSCH: But here's, here's what it's like. [he puts the mask on and now speaking with a muffled voice] You put the mask on like this and then you strap it


and then you talk to people just like this. And this will filter it out. But! But!


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid they're going to require that for air travel, so, OK.

STEVE KIRSCH [now holding up the mask]: But one important thing is that this mask works only in one direction. It will work to protect you.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: But not somebody else.

STEVE KIRSCH: But there's no filter on the outside. Because if it was filtered on the outside, you wouldn't be able to breathe.



STEVE KIRSCH: So it works, but it only works one way and if they were really serious about protecting the American public, they would require everyone to wear this, in which case, everyone would rebel, and we would have no mask mandate.


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: And of course— we— so, one other point on masks, and we don't have, it's like, psychiatrists, unless somebody wants to speak to this, but I think it's obvious, I don't think we really need— the harm done to our children in terms of development, speech, I mean all these things have been written about widely. I mean, just even their oxygen levels.

DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Senator Johnson, there's one important study that actually ties everything up. It was the Swedish study by Ludvigsson*** and he was canceled because of this study. He looked at the 1.95— I think you mentioned it.


DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: 1.9 million Swede kids across the entire pandemic from zero* to 16 years old, all in primary school, secondary school. And what they found was that there were zero deaths in Sweden in children. And what was critical about that study was that there was no lockdowns, there was no school closures, and there were no masks. There was not even testing whether you had masks and they worked. There were no masks, and there were zero deaths. And that was an actual seminal study, and thank you for mentioning it.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: Again, we've talked about the stratification of severe illness with covid that's been ignored, but Dr. Urso.

DR. RICHARD URSO: Yeah, I just wanted to enter into the record, clean this up a little bit. Masks have been looked at for three decades or so, there's been randomized controlled trials, so there's roughly 12 or so randomized controlled trials. There's zero randomized controlled trials that show masks stop the spread of respiratory disease. And that's including N95. And for everyone, N stands for non-oil resistant, 95 stands for 95% airborne particles, of which all viruses fit through. So I usually tell people that, you know, wearing an N95 also has not been shown in randomized controlled trials to be effective, but more importantly the capsule on these viruses are an oil capsule, and I tell people it's like peeing in a pool, it goes right through, it doesn't stick to water, water molecules, it's an oil capsule virus. At the end of the day the data is what it is, there's zero, repeat, zero randomized controlled trials at all showing that masks stop the spread of upper respiratory disease.



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*"More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms" by Paul Elias Alexander, December 20, 2021


**Senator Johnson refers to Dr. Anthony Fauci's initial assertions that masks do not work, and later assertions that people should wear masks.

***Vaccine Safety Research Foundation


* "Impact of community masking on COVID-19: A cluster-randomized trial in Bangladesh" Jason Abaluck, et al, Dec 2, 2021, Science

See also:

"We've asked Science to retract the Bangladesh mask study"

by Steve Kirsch, May 3, 2022


This also references "The Bangladesh Mask Study: A Bayesian Perspective"

by Norman Elliott Fenton, Queen Mary, University of London.

Preprint, May 2022


The abstract:

"A very large trial, whose results were published in Science, carried out in Bangladesh between 2020 and 2021 has been widely acclaimed as providing the most convincing evidence yet that masks work in reducing Covid-19 transmission and infections. However, the media grossly exaggerated the authors' own conclusions, and sceptical researchers have identified weaknesses in various aspects of the trial and statistical analysis which cast doubts on the significance of the results. The sole focus of this report is to determine what can really be learned about the impact of mask wearing on covid infections from the data in the trial. Using a novel Bayesian causal modelling approach, we find that the claimed benefits do not hold up when subject to this rigorous analysis. At best, one can conclude that there is only a 52% probability that the seropositivity rate among people subject to a mask intervention campaign is lower than those who are not, while there is a 95% chance that a mask intervention campaign would result in anything between 19,240 fewer positives and 18,500 more positives in every 100,000. This means there was no discernible effect of the mask intervention on covid infection."

** See: "Highly acclaimed peer-reviewed Bangladesh study shows that masks don't work at all"

by Steve Kirsch, February 20, 2022


***See "Open Schools, Covid-19, and Child and Teacher Morbidity in Sweden"

Jonas F. Ludvigsson et al, letter to the editor, January 6, 2021.


*I believe he misspoke; the study looked at children aged 1 to 16 years.

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when you read Paul Alexander's opening remark........

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Here in Scotland, Sturgeon introduced mask wearing on Friday, July 10th 2020.

Two days later, I remember Michael Gove on one of those Sunday interview shows saying that Westminster had no plans to do the same. Another two days later, PM Johnson announced mask wearing would be mandatory in England from July 24th. At the time I was working with Royal Mail, yet masks weren't required in our office until October. The subsequent 'mask to enter a restaurant, no mask when you're seated' nonsense also highlights the stupid but deliberate psychological assault on our minds, and given the numerous studies now in the public domain regarding the uselessness of masks other than in a clinical setting, any suggestion of a return should be met with a resounding no!

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This otherwise thorough review of the evidence ignores the onrushing disaster of widespread pulmonary damage frm MICROPLASTIC INHALATION!

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Thanks for sharing. The Stephen Petty testimony is stellar.

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