Dec 8, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

Canada totally messed everything up related to covid. Many are still in the cult of covid. The one saving grace is our covid inquiry was funded, organized and run by Canadian citizens. The final report with all its recommendations is now out. The 305 testimonies (94 expert, the remaining civilian) is powerful. Now we just to get the message (and report) out to everyone (the hardest part). nationalcitizensinquiry.ca

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any chance of a summary ?

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

If you don’t read it, you should…Coffee and Covid linked to three Korean studies showing increased rates of complications post Covid jabs…




This on top of yesterdays Coffee and Covid which linked to the study showing the junk proteins from frameshifting that the Covid jabbed also produce.



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Thank you.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Hugh McCarthy

N.I. is northern Ireland. Took me a minute to fig that out, ok.

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Thanks Hugh. The gaslighting by politicians, health depts, HM Gov website, and worst of all Legacy media needs to be exposed. The COVID cover up, disguised as an inquiry, is actually further gaslighting the public rather than exposing truth. The video exposes the truth and your summary of the findings are very useful as some can't access Rumble or don't have time to listen to lengthy videos.

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