In December 2022, after the U.K. approved the Covid vaccine for infants, I asked the Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland, why we were proposing to vaccinate babies against COVID-19. Read the article and answer here. A year ago, in February 2022 I had asked him in a lengthy letter, which set out the scientific evidence, to explain the scientific basis for:
1 the continuing restrictions on children attending school (at that time) 2 the continued mask policy for school children 3 the continued use of PCR tests 4 the continued pressure on the children to be vaccinated even though they, have a survival chance of 99.9987% and nor do they transmit. I highlighted his continuing refusal to acknowledge that lockdowns were of no benefit and caused serious harm.
Finally, I asked if he was monitoring the number of adverse effects caused by the policy of vaccinating children?
Why are would you vaccinate babies against Covid? and why will no one answer any questions?
Read the article and answer here
Well done Hugh for continuing to answer these all important questions. Why indeed. Any parent who allows it must be mad if you ask me but everyone seems so divorced from their own inner guidance and happy to hand themselves and their babies over to the medical system so they don't have to take any responsibility. Utter madness